Monday 11 October 2010

Suck Fashion...

Suck Fashion...
Suck Fashion... by niabronze featuring leather pants
Halloween Vamp look.

Want to look stylish yet sexy at your costume party?... This is deffo a look to choose.

Accessorize with fab jewelery pieces, shoes and even sultry leather gloves!...

The new age vampire no longer sucks is all about fashion...

Suck Fashion ;)

Nia xoxo

Sunday 10 October 2010

Perfection vs. Reflection

Here are two magazine covers I created to demonstrate what most magazine covers portray to readers - a sense and aspiration to gain "perfection" through appearance and the other to demonstrate a reflective and realistic portrayal of celebrity culture.

As you can see, Reflections' front cover stories include, politics, fashion, beauty and careers. Perfections' front cover stories are based on fashion and beauty solely. This is a change I wish to bring to the media industry - to feature a variety and broad range of stories for the female readers that relates success to education as well as appearance. However, who doesn't love reading articles solely based on fashion and beauty tips ;) ... I know I gain immense pleasure out of it.. :P 

I hope you enjoy the contrast of the magazines front covers.

If you have any opinions and views on this topic or any feed back about the front covers, please write below in the comments box.. thank you.. 

Nia xoxo

Friday 8 October 2010

Love Sucks...

Love Sucks...
Love Sucks... by niabronze featuring leather jewelry
...Keep Calm and Carrie on. ;) ....

Ever had one of those PJ days where all you want to do is eat icecream, watch Rom-Coms and imagine you are Carrie from Sex in The City, who will one day meet your MR BIG... I am sure you have... what girl doesn't have these PJ days?!?! ... It is just a part of our genetics.

This Outfit made That Statement...

This Outfit made That Statement...
This Outfit made That Statement... by niabronze featuring a red handbag
Sex Boots. Fab crop top with tie. Sexy detailed shorts. Statement red bag with hot red lips and chain to go... "I'm the sweetest b***h you'll ever meet, but do not f**k with me" - famous Sammy from Jersey Shore - This outfit made that statement ;) x x x

Skirts Galore!

Skirts Galore!
Skirts Galore! by niabronze featuring topshop skirts
Trying to find a nice skirt to wear to my Graduation Day...
This is a selection of TopShop Skirts... Spoilt for choice now...

Animal Mood ;)

Animal Mood ;)
Animal Mood ;) by niabronze featuring leather shoes
Just ordered this outfit for my self!!! Excited to receive it in the post now!!!!

I Heart Leopard!!!!

I Heart Leopard!!!!
I Heart Leopard!!!! by niabronze featuring leather shoes
Wow, I want some one to do my eye make up like this, just for one night, One night... !!!

Rule: Heavy Eye, Light Lips!!

Rule: Heavy Eye, Light Lips!!
Rule: Heavy Eye, Light Lips!! by niabronze on
Mac's beautiful eyeshadow combination creates great smokey eyes using different colours from gold, grey to black. The smokey eye should always stick to the rule of heavy eye make up - light lip colour. Strong red lips and smokey eye is the "hooker look" - which is fine if that's the look your going for. If you're not, stay bible to this rule... Heavy EYE, Light LIPS!!! ;)

Ima Boss

Sexy Goth

Thursday 7 October 2010

GoodNight Troopers...

I am off to bed now with a ridiculous cold...which forced me to call in sick for work. 

I am all dosed up on night nurse :( sad times! I should be posting some interesting little bits and bobs tomorrow if I am not too ill to crawl out of bed and turn the laptop on ;) ... 

I hope I get some followers soon, if not, this is fun anyways. 

Peace Bitches :P 

Nia. xoxo

A Jane Norman Look

Occasional Co-ordination

I Love Young

Dream in Style....

Lilly Allen - Smile


Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three. This is my blog people. I have been aspiring to create a magazine that caters to British Indian people... We have magazines for British people which includes the celebrity culture, the fashion trends and latest gossip. We then have our Indian magazines from Asiana to Asian Bride, but do these magazines cater to all our needs and wants? The British ones don't seem to demonstrate any Asian models, relate any articles to us or any make up features. Then, we have the Asian magazines that are MEANT to cater to us... but do they really?... come on... lets be real... not every Indian girl in Britain is looking to get an arranged marriage and pick out wedding dresses...

So here I am, a breath of fresh air... I will be bringing you latest fashion trends, make up tips, real life articles, news, celebrity gossip and importantly to me music and movie reviews. Bare with me on the fashion and make up features though, as I am not the most trendiest of the bunch, normally always in my jogging bottoms and no make up, but when I make effort... I make effort ;)